Add Liquidity
The Add Liquidity feature of the Kiwi Pad Bot enables users to create an ERC-20⇄Wrapped Token pair on Uniswap, Pancakeswap, Sushiswap, and Kiwiswap (e.g MyToken⇄WETHorWBNB )and adds liquidity to pool.
If you have not created a liquidity pair for your token on DEX, this operation will automatically generate one for you.
Below is the step-by-step user guide for adding liquidity to an LP:
Step 1:
Launch the Kiwi Pad Bot by typing /start
Step 2:
Start the add liquidity process by clicking on or typing "Add Liquidity". The bot will respond with all your available wallet addresses with their respective index numbers, and the corresponding instructions.
Step 3:
To trigger the add liquidity operation: enter the serial number of the wallet, token address, ERC20 token amount, network name, native token (e.g ETH) amount, and your preferred DEX name.
For example: 1 TokenAddress 1000000 ETH 10 UniswapV2
The available network names are: ETH, BASE, BNB, ARB, and MATIC
The available DEX are UniswapV2, PancakeswapV2, Kiwiswap, and SushiswapV2
Make sure your token balance and native token balance is enough to cover token amount and native token amount respectively.
Step 4:
After liquidity is added successfully, the bot automatically responds with the LP details including the DEX swap link, LP address, LP balance, and transaction hash on block explorer.
Take note of the generated LP address for future LP operations.
Last updated