Claim Refunds

After contributing to a presale, users can claim tokens after the presale ends if the presale is successful(total funds raised exceed soft cap). If it's not successful, users can claim refund instead.

Below is the step-by-step user guide for claiming a refund after presale:

Step 1:

Launch the Kiwi Pad Bot by typing /start

Step 2:

Start the refunds claiming process by clicking on or typing "Claim Refunds". The bot will respond with all your available wallet addresses with their respective index numbers, and the corresponding instructions.

Step 3:

To trigger the claim refunds process, enter the network name, serial number of wallet, and presale address

For example: ETH 1 Presaleaddress

The available network names are: ETH, BASE, BNB, ARB, and MATIC.

Make sure the provided network name correspond with the presale network.

You can only call this operation after the presale is closed.

You can only call this operation if the presale is not successful(total funds raised does not reach soft cap). If it's successful, users can claim tokens instead.

Step 4:

After refunds are claimed successfully, the contribution amount will be automatically transferred to the contributor address, which the user can choose to transfer out to an external wallet or store in in-built wallet.

Last updated